Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A warm FELICITATION has been bestowed upon Ms A.SHAKUNTALA and U.JAYA LAXMI both Sr.A.Os. on 30-8-2010 in AGORClub Hall on the eve of THEIR RETIREMENT

Ms. Naga Laxmi, Ex-President covers Ms Jaya Laxmi, retiring Sr.A.O. with a SHAWL
Ms. Naga Laxmi, Ex-President offers a SHAWL to Ms. SHAKUNTALA, another Ex-President and retireing Sr. A.O.
Mr K.Subbarayudu, retd Sr.A.O. offers a Memento to retiring Sr.A.O.-Ms SHAKUNTALA
Mr K.Subbarayudu, retd Sr.A.O. offers a Memento to retiring Sr.A.O.-Ms. JAYA LAXMI
AOs' Assn Secretary Mr Avadhnath Rai makes an introductory speech
Newly promoted AOs Mr Dattatreya Sarma (extreme LEFT), Ms Lajwanti Thakur, Ms Varalaxmi and Mr Prasad have been introduced to the Audience
On the Dias (L to R) Mr PS Nageswara Rao(President), Mr Muneer Khan(Vice President), Mr Showraiah(Treasurer), Ms. Jaya Laxmi(retiring SrAO) and Ms Shakuntala (retiring Sr.AO and Ex-President)
A part of AUDIENCE
Another part of AUDIENCE
AUDIENCE listening to Ms V.M..N.Rama Kumari,(not seen in pic)
Mr.P.Bhaskar Reddy, Pay&Accounts Officer speaks
Ms V.M.N.Rama Kumari, A.O speeks on the occasion
On the Dias (L -R) Mr Avadhnath Rai(Secretary), Mr P.S.Nageswara Rao(President), Mr Muneer Khan(Vice-President), Mr Ch.Shouraiah(Treasurer) , Ms Jaya Laxmi(retiring Sr.AO) and Ms A.Shakuntala(another retiring Sr.AO who is partly seen)
AUDIDENCE listening to a Speaker
AUDIENCE of the Function
Ms P.Veena, Sr AO speaks on the eve about her association with retiring Sr.AOs
Audience seated on the rear rows
Ms Naga Laxmi, Ex President and retd SrAO wishes both the retiring SrAOs a happy and healthy residual life
Ms A.SHAKUNTALA,retiring Sr.AO responds to the Felicitation accorded on her
Ms U.Jaya Laxmi responds to the Felicitation
Mr Christopher Satharaj, a retd Sr.AO who participated in the Function wishes his erstwhile colleagues and retiring Sr.A.Os
Mr Ramu , Asst Secretary conveys a VOTE OF THANKS to everyone and wishes Ms SHAKUNTALA and Ms JAYA LAXMI