Sunday, December 5, 2010

C.B.E.C.- Central Board of Excise & Customs proposes CADRE RESTRUCTURING benefiting Executive Cadres & higher level posts costing additional expenditur of Rs. 1050 Crores p.a.

Please wait for further details.
And also about Cadre Restructuring in IA&AD as I am unable to spare time for now please.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Listen / watch the proceedings/speeches of the day(16Nov) of Celebration of 150th year of formation of the Institution of Comptroller & Auditor General of India conducted at Ravindra Bharathi .

Celebration of 150th year of formation of the Institution of Comptroller & Auditor General of India begins on 16-11-2010 at Ravindra Bharathi . H.E. Governor inspires the audience with his power packed speech


Ms. MADHAVI, Sr Dy.AG(Admn) office of the Principal AG(CA)AP Hyderabad reads out the DOs and DONTs just before the beginning of the Function at RAVINDRA BHARATHI (Auditorium)

Celebration of 150th year of formation of the Institution of Comptroller & Auditor General of India begins on 16-11-2010 at RAVINDRA BHARATHI .
H.E. Governor inspires the audience with his power packed speech. Indeed it is a speech loaded with ground realities. A memorable and moving speech touching upon the soul of everyone in public employment or public life. HE IS THE STAR OF THE CELEBRATION.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sri VEERAPPA MOILY, Minister for Law & Justice writes to Sri PRANAB MUKHARJI, Minister for Finance recommending to consider higher Grade Pay to AOs/SrAOs

Sri VEERAPPA MOILY, Minister for Law & Justice writes D.O.Letter No DMLJ/VIP/2010/5855 dated 28-10-2010 to Sri PRANAB MUKHARJI, Minister for Finance recommending to consider higher Grade Pay to AOs/SrAOs.
LET all A.Os and Sr.A.Os expect that Finance Minister intervenes to settle their long standing main demand for HIGHER GRADE PAY by using his powers to over ride the negative position taken by the Finance Secretary.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

GOOD NEWS to departmental promotees ! Their pay would be hiked on par with their junior Direct Recruitees who were appointed on or after 1-1-2006.

Please CLICK on the CAPTION to get the orders of CBDT

The Central Board of Direct Taxes(Income Tax Department) has considered the representations from Departmental promotees for fixation of pay equivalent to minimum entry pay prescribed for Direct Recruites (appointed on or after 1.1.2006). Also, stepping up of pay of  senior promotees with reference to direct recuit juniors recruited on or after 1.1.2006 and whose basic pay was more than that of their seniors, was considered.
Now, the CBDT has issued ordes to the effect that the stepping up of basic pay of seniors is allowed.  It has been laid down that such stepping up can be claimed only in the case of those cadres which have an direct recruitment and where a directly recruited junior is actually drawing more basic pay than the seniors.  In such cases, the basis pay of seniors will be stepped up the basic pay of junior. 
Stepping up will be applicable from the date junior direct recruit actually draws higher basic pay than his senior.
Let us await same kind of clarification from our CAG office. Putting some pressure is needed now.
The issue hence forth will be settled partially only. Some may get relief where a Direct Recruitee is appointed on 1-1-2010. Where such DR is appointed at a later date, the senior Deptl Promotee would get his pay on par with that of DR, neither  w.e.f. 1-1-2006 nor from his date of promotion BUT W.E.F. THE DATE OF APPOINTMENT OF HIS JUNIOR DR [in other words the Deptl Promotees should pray for an appointment of a DR at the earliest in their office AND well before their pay gets enhanced by way of increments, to the level of pay allowed to a DR.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

S. Venkat Reddy, Sr.A.O. (& host of this BLOG) spends a day at office of the Bureau of Indian Standards as Chief Guest on the eve of Vigilance Awareness Week on 1st NOV2010. .

Director Sri Sarma (left), S.Venkat Reddy and Sri Rama Krishna Rao, Addl Director(right)

The Director (Mr Sarma) offering a Boquette of Flowers to S.Venkat Reddy(on right side)

Speaking on the importance of the occasion

Speaks on the occasion

Vote of Thanks by a Staff Member of the B.I.S. office

Lastly, a presentation of MEMENTO by Sri Sarma, Director to the host of this BLOG - S.Venkat Reddy, Sr.A.O. o/oPrlAG(A&E)AP, Hyderabad

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

All India AOs' Association requests CAG to inaugurate 34th CONFERENCE to be conducted in CHENNAI during 9-11JAN,2011

Upgradation of Grade pay of AOs& Sr.AOs:

As you are all aware our Association is vigorously pursuing the issue of Upgradation of Grade pays of AOs & Sr.AOs. In spite of favorable recommendations of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, the Expenditure Secretariat of the Finance Ministry is not prepared to accept our justified demand. This administrative blockade can be removed only by a decision at the political level that is by Finance Minister. Keeping this goal in view the Federation is relentlessly pursuing the matter with the Finance Minister. We have already presented a memorandum to Honorable Finance Minister. We are also presenting our case before as many Cabinet Ministers and Members of Parliament as possible to persuade them to take up our issue with Finance Minister. We have already met Shri.G.K.Vasan, Honorable Minister of Shipping, and Shri.V.Narayanaswamy, Honorable Minister for Planning and Parliament Affairs, who have promised to take up our cause. On 28th October our Federation Leaders met Dr.M.Veerappa Moily, Honorable Minister of Law and Justice.

Meeting with Dr.M.Veerappa Moily, Honorable Minister of Law & Justice:

Dr.Veerappa Moily is a very senior politician, former Chief Minister of Karnataka and at present Cabinet Minister holding the portfolio of Law and Justice Central Cabinet. A delegation consisting of President.S.V.Deshpande, Secretary General S.Mohan and Com.S.Radhakrishna former President of our Federation met Dr.M.Veerapa Moily on 28th October at his residence in New Delhi. Even though many visitors were waiting, the minister invited our delegation on priority basis and gave us a patient hearing and appreciated our problem. He promised to take up the matter with the Honourable Finance Minister and that he would speak personally on this issue with the Finance Minister.

Meeting with Dr.Murli Manohar Joshi:

The Delegation of the Federation consisting of Com.S.V.Deshpande,President, Com.S.Mohan, Secretary General  Com. S.Radhakrishna former President of our Federation, Com.Balbir Singh Sharma, and Com.Ram Mehar Singh President &  General Secretary respectively of Delhi unit met Dr.Murli Manohar Joshi, Honourable Chairperson, Public Accounts Committee in New Delhi at his residence on 28th October to invite him to the opening session of  34th Conference of our federation to be held in Chennai from 9th to 11th Jan 2011.He responded positively  and  is likely to participate in our Conference.  We also raised the issue of our pay Structure and strengthening of our Department. The interaction was very useful and informative. Dr. Joshi advised us to furnish a detailed note on the subject to enable him to take up the issue at the appropriate level with the powers that be.  

Meeting with Comptroller and Auditor General:

Com..S.V.Deshpande President, Com.S.Mohan Secretary General met the Comptroller and Auditor General in his Cabin on 28th October to invite him to inaugurate 34th Conference. Even though the C&AG was preoccupied we were given a patient hearing and responded positively to our invitation. The C&AG agreed to consider our invitation subject to his international commitments.

Meeting with Pr.Director (Staff):

Com..S.V.Deshpande President, Com.S.Mohan Secretary General  met the Pr.Director (Staff) in her Cabin at 4 P.M on 27th October 2010. The discussion was mainly about cadre review, removal of age limit, conferment of Group A status to Sr.AOs. She responded that the department was expecting the study report on cadre review by the end of November and that a meeting could be held with the New DAI. In respect of denial of CGHS facilities to Railway Audit Staff, She agreed to pursue this matter with Health Ministry for retaining the existing facilities available to Railway Audit Staff.
Observe Remainder Day:
Our efforts would, however, produce positive results only if it is backed by organizational unity and action. To this end affiliated units are requested to hold the remainder day on Nov 25th instead of November 18th without fail. (Resolution to be passed by the General Body is enclosed). Field units are requested to approach all its members of their respective associations and hold General Body meeting on November 25th instant. Further they are requested to complete the post card campaign before 25th December 2010. In the ensuing conference we have to deliberate further in this regard and to take further decisions.
Conference Fund:

It has been unanimously decided in the National Executive to collect Rs.200/- as minimum from each member of our association for continuous functioning of the head quarters effectively, to meet the expenses of 34th Conference, and remit the same to head quarters Association before December 15th 2010.

Remit Head Quarters Quota:

It is requested that all the field units should clear the Head quarters Quota before 31st December 2010 and ensure your delegates position in the Conference. It has been reminded that the Head quarters Quota is Rs.60 per member per annum. It may be remitted to the Bank directly and intimated to the Association, Headqurters by mail or by SMS.
Name of the Account is All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association
Name of the Bank is Canara Bank
Name of the Branch is Thousand Lights Branch Chennai
Account Number is 0941101990728.

Friday, October 29, 2010

This Blog host - S. VENKAT REDDY participated as FACULTY at National Institute for Mircro, Small &Medium Enterprises [NI-MSME], at Yousufguda in a training programme for Dy Dirctors/Addl Directors in the Ministry

This Blog host - S. VENKAT REDDY(on left) participated as FACULTY at National Institute for Mircro, Small & Medium Enterprises [NI-MSME], at Yousufguda in a training programme for Dy Dirctors/Addl Directors in the Ministry. On the right appears Sri U.B.Raju, Dy.Director of the NIMSME.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Please see the Videos taken on the eve of FELICITATION FUNCTION held on 29-9-2010 in honour of retiring Sr.AO - Sri G. SURENDER

Please see the Photos taken on the eve of FELICITATION FUNCTION held on 29-9-2010 in honour of retiring Sr.AO - Sri G. SURENDER

Mr G.Surender, retiring SrAO responds to the felicitation. He is keenly heard by Mr AVADHNATH RAI, Secretary of Assn(on left) and Mr.P.S.Nageswar Rao, President of Assn

Ms Varalaxmi who worked as AAO/Bills III before being promoted with Mr G.Surender narrates an event

Ms Saraswathi, Sr.AO/TM tell few words about Mr Surender

Mr A.R.Swamy, AO/Admn wishes the retiring SrAO(second from left). Mr Ch Showraiah, Treasurer of Assn (on left)

Mr P. Bhaskar Reddy, PAO  begins his speech with his brand of salutation - " ENDARO MAHANUBHAVULU ANDARIKI VANDANALU'

Mr A.Venkatesh Murthy, AO/OE and a close friend of Mr G.Surender tells his experience about the latter.

Mr P.S.Nageswara Rao, President of AO's Association apprised the members of the deliberations of NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the All India Assn recently held in BANGALORE on 25-9-2010

Audience watching the proceedings of the day

Audience watching the felicitation accorded to Mr G.Surender

Ms Saraswathi presents a Memento to Mr G. Surender, retiring Sr A.O.

Mr Balakrishna offered a shawl to Mr Surender

Mr Ravi Kumar offering a Bouquette to Mr G. Surender

Mr Balakrishna and Mr D.Ravi Kumar ( on right) newly promoted Accounts Officers were introduced to the AUDIENCE

Sri G. SURENDER, Sr A.O/Bills who is felicitated by the AOs' Assn

Mr Muneer Khan enjoying the speech of Ms Anusri Ray, Secretary to Prl A.G.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

National Executive Committee Meeting of All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association held at BANGALORE on 25-9-2010

The Mr P.S. NAGESWARA RAO, President and Mr Ch SHOWRAIAH, Treasurer of AO's Association, o/oPrl AG(A&E)AP,Hyderabad have ATTENDED the meeting of National Executive Committee Meeting of All India Audit and Accounts Officers Association t held at Bangalore on 25.09.2010.  The address of venue and place of accommodation was as follows:-
KPTCL Accounts Officers Association
Silver Jubilee Building
No. 28, Race Course Cross Road,
Ananda Rao Circle,
Phone-Office: - (080) 22372321.

The place is just one and half Km from Bangalore city Railway Station. At Railway Station, there is pre-paid Auto stand outside near Platform 1 for comrades reaching platforms from 1-4.or at rear entrance outside near Platform 8 for comrades reaching platforms from 5-10.In the prepaid Auto stand, just give Rs.1/- (Rupee one only) and intimate place as Race Course Cross Road, Ananda Rao Circle, or show at prepaid Auto Stand counter the above address. Immediately, the receipt would indicate the Auto NO. and fare for your reference.

  The following Comrades assisted the deligates/Members

Comrades                     Mobile No.
Sri. R.Haridasan         +919449049475
Sri. Ram Thilak. VS.  +919448988479

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Listen to the speech delivered by Mr MUNEER KHAN, Vice-President on the occasion of FELICITATION given to Ms SHAKUNTALA and Ms JAYA LAXMI in Club Hall on 30-8-2010

A warm FELICITATION has been bestowed upon Ms A.SHAKUNTALA and U.JAYA LAXMI both Sr.A.Os. on 30-8-2010 in AGORClub Hall on the eve of THEIR RETIREMENT

Ms. Naga Laxmi, Ex-President covers Ms Jaya Laxmi, retiring Sr.A.O. with a SHAWL
Ms. Naga Laxmi, Ex-President offers a SHAWL to Ms. SHAKUNTALA, another Ex-President and retireing Sr. A.O.
Mr K.Subbarayudu, retd Sr.A.O. offers a Memento to retiring Sr.A.O.-Ms SHAKUNTALA
Mr K.Subbarayudu, retd Sr.A.O. offers a Memento to retiring Sr.A.O.-Ms. JAYA LAXMI
AOs' Assn Secretary Mr Avadhnath Rai makes an introductory speech
Newly promoted AOs Mr Dattatreya Sarma (extreme LEFT), Ms Lajwanti Thakur, Ms Varalaxmi and Mr Prasad have been introduced to the Audience
On the Dias (L to R) Mr PS Nageswara Rao(President), Mr Muneer Khan(Vice President), Mr Showraiah(Treasurer), Ms. Jaya Laxmi(retiring SrAO) and Ms Shakuntala (retiring Sr.AO and Ex-President)
A part of AUDIENCE
Another part of AUDIENCE
AUDIENCE listening to Ms V.M..N.Rama Kumari,(not seen in pic)
Mr.P.Bhaskar Reddy, Pay&Accounts Officer speaks
Ms V.M.N.Rama Kumari, A.O speeks on the occasion
On the Dias (L -R) Mr Avadhnath Rai(Secretary), Mr P.S.Nageswara Rao(President), Mr Muneer Khan(Vice-President), Mr Ch.Shouraiah(Treasurer) , Ms Jaya Laxmi(retiring Sr.AO) and Ms A.Shakuntala(another retiring Sr.AO who is partly seen)
AUDIDENCE listening to a Speaker
AUDIENCE of the Function
Ms P.Veena, Sr AO speaks on the eve about her association with retiring Sr.AOs
Audience seated on the rear rows
Ms Naga Laxmi, Ex President and retd SrAO wishes both the retiring SrAOs a happy and healthy residual life
Ms A.SHAKUNTALA,retiring Sr.AO responds to the Felicitation accorded on her
Ms U.Jaya Laxmi responds to the Felicitation
Mr Christopher Satharaj, a retd Sr.AO who participated in the Function wishes his erstwhile colleagues and retiring Sr.A.Os
Mr Ramu , Asst Secretary conveys a VOTE OF THANKS to everyone and wishes Ms SHAKUNTALA and Ms JAYA LAXMI