The DEARNESS ALLOWANCE that is payable to Central Employees will be @ 27% with effect from 1-7-2009 as the 12 monthly AICPI(IW) stands at 147.66 provided the CPIndex for JUNE 2009 stands at the levels recorded for any of the months preceeding 11 months { the CPI from 7/08 to 5/09 oscilated between 143 and 151}.
The CPI stood at 143 [for7/08], 145 [for8/08], 146 [for 9/08], 148 [for 10/08, 11/08, 12/08, 1/09, 3/09], 149 [for 2/09] , 150 [for 4/09 ] and 151 [for 5/09].
The calculation is made in accordance with the FORMULA recommended by the 6CPC [or SCPC or VI-CPC].