Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All out efforts are being made to get a suitabe GRADE PAY to AOs/SrAOs

..........Shri Jayachandra, Chairman, Public Accounts Committee, Karnataka, Meets the Minster of Finance for our cause:
On the eve of the Meeting of the Chair Persons of Public Accounts Committees (5th July 2010) Convened by Smt. Meira Kumar, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Shri Jayachandra, Chairman, Public Accounts Committee, Karnataka met the Finance Minister at 9 P.M on Sunday (4th July 2010) at our behest. He handed over a memorandum regarding our upgradation of Grade pay for AOs and Sr.AOs and pleaded on our behalf. He submitted that he was associated with audit fraternity for more than three terms and it was his fourth term and that he knew the Officers’ problem to be genuine. Finance Minister responded that he belonged to this department, he knew the problem and that he would examine this issue positively.

Visit of C&AG to Nagpur:
Shri H.T Gondole, President of Accounts Officers and Sr.Accounts Officers Association Nagpur and Shri S.V. Deshpande, All India President who is also the  General Secretary of the AO/Sr.AO Association met C&AG on 09-07-2010 in a very cordial atmosphere during his visit to Nagpur. A Memorandum with explanatory note was submitted to C&AG. During the discussion, C&AG informed that the issues arising from the Pay Commission, particularly in respect of Pay scales, had been referred to Govt. of India, Finance Ministry. The C&AG also stated that though he could not specify as to what exact scales that the AO/SAOs would get, he assured that the issue would be pursued vigorously. On the issue of increase in promotional quota and creation of Welfare Officer Post, the CAG has promised to examine our demand.

Meeting with Minister for Shipping:
Our Secretary General Com S.Mohan, accompanied by Com.T.A.Mariappan, Vice president, Association of Sr.AOs (Comml) & AOs (Comml), met Shri.G.K.Vasan, Hon. Minister for Shipping on 10th July 2010 at his Office in Chennai and submitted a memorandum regarding upgradation of Grade Pay for AOs and Sr.AOs. The Minister assured the delegation that he would take up our case with Finance Minister and that he would request the Finance Minister to arrive at a positive decision.

Rally behind our Federation:
Due to our consistent struggle, mountainous sacrifice by many of our leaders and members, and relentless efforts of the leadership of the Federation our demand for upgradation of Grade pay for AOs and Sr.AOs is under serious consideration of the Finance Ministry once again. It has been decided to pursue the Parliamentarians and Central Ministers to take up our cause before the Finance Ministry. It is imperative that memorandums to be submitted by any of us, for presenting the case to the Parliamentarians and Central Ministers should be identical. Members are requested to be aware that the non serious attempts on different memorandum would definitely weaken our demand and put us back in square one. Hence the National Executive appeal to all the Audit and Accounts Officers to rally behind our Federation and lend their support in unequivocal terms and strengthen the Federation physically, mentally and financially. .....